Dedication & Thanks
This site is dedicated to all Matchbox collectors. I hope you find it useful and informative.
Almost universally, folks in the community that I've met at shows or on-line have been friendly and helpful and willing to share their knowledge. There are a few folks though I'd like to specifically thank:
- Christian Falkensteiner, for his in-depth categorization and cataloging of everything from models to packages and wheel types. His documents were of inestimable help in building this database.
- John Nijhuis for his guidance on many topics and constant patience in answering dumb questions!
- Steve Schutte für seine Freundschaft und seine Hilfe bei der Suche nach vielen ROW-Code 2, die ich sonst nie gefunden hätte.
- And last but certainly not least, Charlie Mack for so much he's done for the hobby.